The master branch of postgresql-simple-sop
can do SELECT
but not UPDATE
(although if you dig hard enough, you *can* find an implementation in a branch in a different github repo with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard')
I'm going to write an implementation, or rather adapt the SELECT
implementation, gselectFrom
which you can see online here.
What I want to do is generate an SQL statement that looks like this:
"UPDATE registration SET firstname = ?, lastname = ?, dob = ?, swim = ? WHERE id = ?"
... but where all those field = ?
bits are generated from the names of the Haskell record data type (for exampl,e Registration
There's a function fieldNames
in Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SOP...
fieldNames :: HasFieldNames a => GS.Proxy a -> [String]
... that will give us field names for a suitable type a
, if we feed in some proxy thing. Luckily from the previous post, Registration
indeed HasFieldNames
We can use it like this:
> PGS.fieldNames (GS.Proxy :: GS.Proxy Registration) ["firstname","lastname","dob","swim"]
That Proxy
stuff is because we're trying to write a function from a type to a value (feed in a type like Registration
and get out a value, a list of the fields). Normal Haskell only lets you write functions from values to a values. So Proxy
is some generics-sop
magic that sort-of turns a type into a value, so that we can pass it to a Haskell function. Don't think about it too hard.
Given that list it's fairly to generate the desired SQL:
let fns = PGS.fieldNames $ (GS.Proxy :: GS.Proxy Registration) let fieldSets = map (\name -> name <> " = ?") fns let sql = ("UPDATE " <> tbl <> " SET " <> (fromString $ intercalate ", " fieldSets) <> " WHERE " <> whereclause)
... and then execute
the SQL:
PG.execute conn sql (val PG.:. where_val)
I've put two sets of SQL parameters in there: one is the value that we're going to write (a Registration
in our case), and the other is any parameters needed for the WHERE
clause: for example to pick a row to update based on id
But I want this to live in a function that is not specialised to Registration
. I want it to work for any (suitable) type. So I can't talk about Proxy Registration
. I want to be able to write something like:
gupdateInto :: (PG.ToRow a, PGS.HasFieldNames a) => a -> stuff -> IO () ... let fns = PGS.fieldNames $ (GS.Proxy :: a) ...
... which doesn't work by default - that final reference to type variable a
doesn't get connected up with the type variable a
used in the type signature.
We can turn on two language features, ScopedTypeVariables
and RankNTypes
, to make that work.
The type signature then ends up being about the same length as the body of the function:
gupdateInto :: forall r. forall s. (PG.ToRow r, PGS.HasFieldNames r, PG.ToRow s) => PG.Connection -> PG.Query -> PG.Query -> r -> s -> IO Int64 gupdateInto conn tbl whereclause val where_val = ...
Here, r
is the type of data we're going to write (eg. Registration). We need to be convert it to an SQL row (ToRow
) and to get the field names for it (HasFieldNames
Then, s
will be the type of whatever we're using to select the record(s) to update - for example an index Integer
. We also need to be able to turn that into a row of data to send to PostgreSQL; but we don't need any field names for it as we're just using it as parameters for the UPDATE.
That PG.Query
is actually something String
-like, not a fully formed abstract database query of some sort - to generate those from string literals, we'll also need the OverloadedStrings
language extension enabled. (That's also why the string munging above uses fromString
- fieldNames returns text made out of String
, but execute
needs text made out of PG.Query
And finally the return value, Int64
is what PG.execute
returns: the number of rows that were affected by the UPDATE
So here's the whole massive pile, which I've put in its own file at src/Update.hs
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# Language RankNTypes #-} module Update where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SOP as PGS import qualified Generics.SOP as GS gupdateInto :: forall r. forall s. (PG.ToRow r, PGS.HasFieldNames r, PG.ToRow s) => PG.Connection -> PG.Query -> PG.Query -> r -> s -> IO Int64 gupdateInto conn tbl whereclause val where_val = do let fieldNames = PGS.fieldNames $ (GS.Proxy :: GS.Proxy r) let fieldSets = map (\name -> name <> " = ?") fieldNames let sql = ("UPDATE " <> tbl <> " SET " <> (fromString $ intercalate ", " fieldSets) <> " WHERE " <> whereclause) PG.execute conn sql (val PG.:. where_val)
Now we can use this in app/Main.hs
gupdateInto conn "registration" "id = ?" newRegistration (fromIntegral identifier)
instead of the previous:
PG.execute conn "UPDATE ...
As we're now passing a whole Registration
into postgresql-simple
, and to satisfy the gupdateInto
type signature, we need to add another
instance declaration for Registration
, PG.ToRow
. This is like the mirror image of PG.FromRow
, and can be automatically derived.
So that's all the explicit field names removed from the SQL parts of codebase.
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